Video: Could Electric Cars Become the New Muscle Cars?!

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When you hear “Muscle Car”, more than likely, it conjures up thoughts of loping cams, loud pipes, fat tires, the smell of unburnt fuels, and maybe even a little blower whine mixed in. All of those things are done to normal passenger cars in the hopes of making them perform better and be faster than the next guy. Certainly not electric cars, right?

So what happens when you have a car which has none of those attributes, but can absolutely decimate cars which do, on their home court? Why, you make a video of it, of course! We’ve seen videos of this particular Tesla P100D stomping out some serious competition on the streets, so it caught our collective eye when video of it rolling into Street Car Takeover Atlanta appeared.

Kicking ass on the street is one thing, but at the dragstrip, there are no excuses, and the clocks don’t lie. So imagine our surprise when we saw the car crack off a 10.48 at over 125 miles per hour in the test and tune – out of an electric car that makes nearly no noise and doesn’t even have an internal combustion engine.

At the Street Car Takeover, the Tesla was entered in both the 10.0 and 11.0 index classes, and went three rounds in 10.0 and won the 11.0 class in a final round that was about as poetic as it gets, with the green, eco-friendly sedan charging down the track against a smoke-spewing diesel pickup and turning on the win light.

Completely gutted with a lightweight racing seat, the hefty P100D still tips the scales at over 4,400 pounds after going on a 500-pound diet. So while it certainly doesn’t fit any of the modern definitions of the term “Muscle Car” could there be room for interpretation? After all, the original Muscle Cars were standard passenger cars with elevated performance, which were then tweaked and altered by enthusiasts for even more “go-fast”. This Tesla kind of fits that mold, doesn’t it?

About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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