Tesla Cybertruck Holiday Hiccup: First Reported Accident

Tesla Cybertruck Holiday Hiccup: First Reported Accident

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The new Tesla Cybertruck made its grand entrance onto public roads just recently, and it seems not even the holiday cheer could shield it from the realities of traffic. The first reported accident involving the electric truck unfolded over the Christmas break in California, leaving some rubber on the road but thankfully, no major dents or worse. It was a Tesla Cybertruck holiday hiccup.

How it Unfolded

According to the California Highway Patrol, the incident began with a 17-year-old driver navigating a Toyota Corolla. For reasons still under investigation, the driver took a sudden right turn into an embankment. This jarring maneuver sent the Corolla bouncing back onto the road, where it unfortunately veered right into oncoming traffic.

Look Out!

In the opposite lane, heading north on SR-35, stood the quirky Cybertruck. The inevitable collision ensued, with the Toyota bearing the brunt of the impact. Thankfully, nobody involved in the incident sustained any serious injuries. Neither driver nor passengers required medical attention, allowing everyone to walk away (or get towed away) a little shaken but intact.

While the specifics of the accident remain under investigation, one thing is clear: even the seemingly indestructible Cybertruck isn’t immune to a fender bender. This serves as a timely reminder for all drivers, regardless of the vehicle they’re piloting, to stay vigilant and exercise caution on the road.


Right to Repair

The Cybertruck’s repairability is the real question here, and it’s one that isn’t getting much attention. It uses the largest gigacasting components in the industry and they aren’t repairable.  Gigacastings’ claim to fame is the technology eliminates multiple sub-assemblies. The only problem with that is when one of these huge castings is damaged, the vehicle is totaled.  The insurance industry is on to this and Tesla folks pay stiff premiums as a result.

For many breathless acolytes of the Cybertruck, the unanswered issue of repairability is not top of mind. The big question for this Cybertruck truck is: how much damage did it take? And can it be fixed?

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About the author

Dave Cruikshank

Dave Cruikshank is a lifelong car enthusiast and an editor at Power Automedia. He digs all flavors of automobiles, from classic cars to modern EVs. Dave loves music, design, tech, current events, and fitness.
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